Testimonials from my students

“Today was the best!

Driving home I saw a fiddler at the corner of the park. I stopped and shyly listened to his Celtic tunes. When he began playing reels I started the steps Allison taught me from the private sessions. With that confidence established and the drive of the music I ad-libbed the rest. Soon people began to watch and wanted to learn steps themselves! We only stopped when it got too cold to fiddle. It's going to be a regular weekly thing now, and I am delighted at the opportunity to practice more with live music!

This is an absolute testament to Allison's remarkable teaching ability. I had absolutely no music background and after two private lessons, she taught me enough sean-nós to charm a fiddler. It's been a dream to learn and I feel well on my way.

Thank you!!”
- Julie D., Oregon 

“Discovering Sean Nós classes with Allison was one of the highlights of quarantine!

Every class I look forward to learning the style and history of Sean Nós dancing. Coming from a competitive Irish Dancing background where execution and form is key, it is a fantastic experience working with Allison and her focus on learning and personal style. I have never felt like I am doing it "incorrectly" and appreciate that she encourages the class to focus on the enjoyment of the dance rather than the technical execution.  She teaches in such a way that she can accommodate different styles and experience levels with ease while providing a challenging and fun class every week. I am excited to continue cultivating my Sean Nós knowledge and joy of dance with Allison!”

— Annaliesa P., California

“I have taken a couple of Allison’s Sean Nós virtual lesson series so far, and can’t wait to take her next one!

The way she breaks down the steps for beginners and adds clear details for intermediate/advanced dancers is easy to follow. Teaching virtually can be hard, but she does it in such a way that I have been able to learn many new steps and skills. Within each class, every student gets a chance to comment and ask questions. Before I started these classes, I wondered whether I was going to have success learning dance virtually, but with these classes I feel like I am continuing to grow in my skills.”

— Shannon K.

”I have been one of Allison's sean-nós students for over a year and I truly cannot recommend her lessons enough!

Allison has a way of teaching that is so welcoming and friendly while also keeping the class on track. Part of her strength as a teacher is her generosity in sharing her personal steps while matching that with examples from other teachers. True to this traditional old-style dance form, Allison will consistently encourage and challenge you to make up or mix up your own steps, to do what feels natural in your body, and to focus on the rhythm and the melody. Her serious skills and years of instructing can be felt immediately, and help facilitate a safe and helpful environment. Whenever I am struggling with a step, she can tell me what to improve on, almost without looking - like magic! Allison's sean-nós classes connect you to your body in a whole new way! I have seen beginners thrive in these lessons and gain confidence in basic steps and styles. I've also seen intermediate and advanced students grow skills and develop their own style and steps very quickly. I came to Allison knowing a little about Irish music and culture, but nothing about sean-nós dancing. After my first lesson I was totally in love. I thought this would be a little hobby for me or a way to get some exercise, but after a year I'm obsessed and practicing every day so I can learn more fun steps during my next lesson. I've been able to experience a few other dance teachers in this time, but they all really pale to Allison's vibrant and adept teaching methods. When our classes went online during quarantine, I was shocked at how none of her qualities seem dulled by the computer: you feel like you're in the studio even online! I know I'll be sticking with her program for good! 

— Zeph C.